Nervous City Nervous Self is a nomadic, electronic folk-project that began in Berlin after the artist went into voluntary exile. He released his debut album, The Early Years, in 2023, now returning with his brand-new single ‘Act V’, a romantic ballad with melancholy undertones over a dreamy production.
Notable for saying, "I shall become Sweden's Leonard Cohen or die!" is Nervous City Nervous Self. Since Sweden has never been a country known for making audacious claims, he was met with suspicion. A cynicism that ultimately drove the singer into German exile; in Berlin, where innumerable prophets and poets pass by, the artist found a newfound feeling of community. And it was there, while visiting a German expressionism-themed art exhibition, that the initial idea for Nervous City Nervous Self was born.
‘Act V’ was collaborated with producer Diamond Heist. Their collaboration resulted in a fusion of an electronic dream-pop universe with equally other-worldly lyrics. They exchanged files between Uppsala and the south of Sweden, the location of Nervous City Nervous Self at present. Nervous City Nervous Self wrote the song a while back, but it hasn't taken on a definitive form until recently.
The latest single depicts a happy moment of birth beneath a huge, honey-dripping sky. Despite being the last act, this is actually a time for rebirth. A new play and a new opportunity await the lover and the clown the following day, whose scowl is really an upside-down smile. Hedda Gabler, the protagonist of Henrik Ibsen's play, is the only one who knows, and the words she says are dispersed like birds' wings that were formerly trapped inside but are now freed to the world, like honeydrops that descend into the stratosphere.
The song ‘Act V’ demonstrates not only the musical prowess of Nervous City Nervous Self, but also his sincerity, ardour, and commitment to personal development as an artist. His artistry is on full display in this new track, which goes well with his entire musical career to date.